



1. 西湖夜景


2. 河坊街、南宋御街


3. 灵隐寺、雷峰塔




1. 橘子洲头


2. 黄兴南路步行街


3. 湖南省博物馆、岳麓书院




1. 自然与人文的交融


2. 美食与娱乐的盛宴


3. 人文与科技的融合








1. 地址:杭州市XX区XX路XX号
2. 交通:附近公交站:XX路公交站、XX路公交站;附近地铁站:XX号线XX站


1. 桑拿区:沐云桑拿会所拥有多个桑拿房,包括干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸、冰蒸等多种类型,满足不同消费者的需求。在这里,您可以尽情享受高温带来的畅快淋漓,促进血液循环,排除体内毒素。

2. SPA区:沐云桑拿会所的SPA区提供多种按摩服务,包括全身按摩、局部按摩、足疗、头部护理等。专业的技师会根据您的需求,为您量身定制一套合适的按摩方案,让您在舒适的环境中放松身心。

3. 健身区:沐云桑拿会所设有专业的健身区,配备有跑步机、动感单车、哑铃、杠铃等健身器材,让您在享受桑拿的同时,也能保持良好的身体素质。

4. 餐饮区:沐云桑拿会所的餐饮区提供多种美食,包括中式、西式、日式、韩式等,满足不同消费者的口味。在这里,您可以一边享受美食,一边欣赏美景。

5. 住宿区:沐云桑拿会所设有豪华客房,装修风格独特,设施齐全。在这里,您可以尽情享受宁静的夜晚,充分休息,为第二天的繁忙工作储备能量。


1. 环境优美:沐云桑拿会所位于市中心,交通便利,周边环境优美,让您在享受休闲的同时,也能感受到城市的繁华。

2. 服务周到:沐云桑拿会所拥有一支专业的服务团队,热情周到,为您提供全方位的服务。

3. 设施齐全:沐云桑拿会所设施齐全,满足您在休闲、健身、餐饮、住宿等方面的需求。

4. 价格合理:沐云桑拿会所的价格合理,让您在享受高品质服务的同时,也能感受到物有所值。
































1. 人员素质:随着桑拿行业的不断发展,临平地区桑拿场所的从业人员素质也在不断提高。许多场所注重对员工的培训,提高服务技能,使消费者在享受桑拿服务的同时,也能感受到专业、贴心的服务。

2. 设施设备:临平地区桑拿场所的设施设备相对完善,多数场所采用先进的桑拿设备,如蒸汽房、桑拿房、按摩房等,为消费者提供舒适的休闲环境。

3. 服务项目:桑拿场所提供的服务项目丰富多样,包括桑拿、按摩、沐足、美容美发等。部分高端会所还提供养生、保健、茶艺等特色服务,满足消费者多元化需求。


1. 价格区间:临平地区桑拿场所的消费水平相对较高,价格区间一般在100元至500元之间。高端会所的价格在500元以上,而大众桑拿场所的价格则在100元左右。

2. 优惠政策:为了吸引消费者,部分桑拿场所推出会员卡、团购、优惠券等优惠政策,降低消费者的消费成本。


1. 同质化竞争:临平地区桑拿场所数量众多,导致市场竞争激烈。许多场所为了争夺市场份额,纷纷推出优惠活动、特色服务,使得同质化竞争现象较为严重。

2. 行业规范:随着桑拿行业的快速发展,政府相关部门加大了对行业的监管力度,推动行业规范化发展。桑拿场所必须遵守相关法律法规,提高服务质量,才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。


1. 市场细分:随着消费者需求的多样化,未来临平地区桑拿场所将更加注重市场细分,为不同消费群体提供个性化服务。

2. 技术创新:桑拿场所将不断引进先进的技术和设备,提高服务质量,提升消费者体验。

3. 品牌建设:桑拿场所将注重品牌建设,提升企业形象,增强市场竞争力。











1. 湿度相对较低:杭州地处亚热带季风气候区,虽然高温天气严重,但相对湿度并不如南方其他地区那么高。这使得杭州的高温天气在体感上不如真正的桑拿天那么难受。

2. 降水量适中:虽然高温天气严重,但杭州的降水量相对适中,不像南方其他地区那样潮湿。这使得杭州的高温天气在潮湿度上不如真正的桑拿天那么令人难以忍受。

3. 气候条件:杭州地处长江三角洲,受到海洋气候的影响,夏季高温天气虽然严重,但相对较短。而南方其他地区的高温天气往往持续时间更长,使得人们更容易产生不适。



1. 增加绿化:通过增加城市绿化,提高城市生态环境,降低气温。

2. 公共交通空调化:在公交车、地铁等公共交通工具上安装空调,为市民提供舒适的出行环境。

3. 公共场所免费提供冷饮:在商场、图书馆等公共场所免费提供冷饮,帮助市民降温。

4. 加强高温预警:及时发布高温预警,提醒市民做好防暑降温措施。







1. 设施齐全


2. 服务周到


3. 交流氛围浓厚


4. 独特文化



1. 促进血液循环


2. 缓解疲劳


3. 促进新陈代谢


4. 改善睡眠







1. 《印象西湖》

2. 杭州剧院

3. 杭州大剧院


1. 西湖音乐喷泉

2. 河坊街音乐喷泉


1. 河坊街

2. 南山路

3. 西湖景区周边


1. 南山路

2. 长桥公园

3. 西湖边


1. 夜间出行请注意安全,尽量结伴同行。

2. 部分优惠活动需提前预订,请提前关注商家信息。

3. 关注各大电商平台,可享受更多优惠。


Seeing from the sky, Chen Qi’s Daoism was really advanced, and when he changed hands, he suppressed the turtle’s army master, which saved him a few minutes of mana. It was easy to put these magic soldiers in charge and laugh at them. The rest of the magic soldiers who were preparing to flee separately still earned their own income and became small and comfortable. This just told Chen Qi that "Daoyou’s magic was really mysterious, so I don’t know if you have anything to do recently." Recently, there was a big event in the Magic Fork Empire, and I intended to go there but I didn’t have any company. "

Chen Qichu came to dazzle and carry Xinghai naturally, and he was not familiar with many things. Hearing this invitation from the sky, he was curious and asked, "What’s the grand event of the Magic Fork Empire? I’m a Terran Gas Refiner. If I go there, I won’t be besieged and killed by an unknown number of inferno commanders. "
Ha ha a smile from the sky and said, "There are also people who refine gas and burn the universe in this remote place. They will fight endlessly for slaves and population and stir up wars. Many races can live in the most prosperous central star domain of the Magic Fork Empire. Even if there is a struggle, it is not a big deal. Even if some conflicts are killed, Daoyou Mana will be someone else. The Magic Fork Empire has a Wanbao Conference, which is a grand event for those who kill the enemy for some reason and seize the magic weapon of the enemy’s sacrifice, refining it and collecting it. Those magic weapons were suppressed by the enemy and refused to surrender because of humiliation, but they may not refuse to vote for another new owner. You also know that a good magic weapon is enough to double the strength of the military master’s series monks, so many people will attend this Wanbao conference, whether it is Terran refining gas, Terran refining gas, Terran inferno, ancient inferno, and blood protoss will go to participate in the event to get a magic weapon to enhance their own strength. "
Chen Qi listened secretly and thought, "Taihua Dragon Tactics wants to cultivate to a higher level. In addition to its own evolution magic weapon, it can also refine the magic weapon. I don’t know when it will take me to cultivate into the Yuan Shen Dharma Series. This Wanbao Conference seems that I am single. Generally, can I have something to trade at the Wanbao Conference?"
Chen Qi slightly pondered and shook it and flew out of the book of Yin and Yang. It was the nine-fold plough series giant Yang axe method. He reached out and pointed to this kind of charm and asked, "I wonder if this thing can do some transactions at the Wanbao Conference?"
Seeing from the sky, my eyes were wide and frightened. "This is a monk’s refining of a kind of ofuda. If friends are willing to trade? This thing is much more precious than the magic weapon, and the ordinary magic weapon is only banned by several levels of the highest heaven, but after all, it is a foreign object. How can it be compared with these symbols? I’ve heard that there is an air refining sect, and some magical array method can extract and sacrifice the human mana of killing the enemy into a kind of symbol, but often hundreds of mana are extracted to condense out a number of symbols at the same level. Bigen won’t take it out and trade it at the Wanbao Conference. "
Chapter five hundred and forty Big filthy Daoism
Chen Qi has always felt that although this method is precious, it may not be impossible for others to understand it. At that time, he was just a monk who refined gas series. Although he was blessed with unique advantages, after all, he didn’t understand the Tao deeply. Later, Chen Qi got out of the Seven Burning Realms and came to Xuantuo Xinghai. He felt that this place was the most suitable place for poor people to practice this practice. If someone realized it, the mana of this practice would be higher in a thousand miles, so he guessed that even if there was such a practice in this world, it would be extremely afraid.
But those were just guesses. When he heard that there was also a door to refine gas, he became curious and asked a few more questions.
Although Li Tian was born in an inferno, after all, he was brought up by Yan Jing’s evil spirits. Although his master was always poor and didn’t seem to have any magic power, the teaching method was not too severe, but he was well informed and told him many secrets. He didn’t know this kind of thing until Chen Qi asked about Li Tian. He said, "I heard that there are nine schools of kings that have this kind of teaching method, mainly to reward some talented brothers for accidentally sneaking out. Each kind of charm is worth several pieces, and it is often a magic weapon of the same level."
Chen Qi didn’t expect that Fu Qian in Qi Huang world was actually circulating in Xuan Tuo Xinghai. After hearing this, he realized that the ancient king Clam XI’s creation had such a wide flow. He was in Qi Huang world because there were very few people who refined gas and there was not much trading demand, so Fu Qian was not much. Chen Qi accumulated those Fu Qian, but later he didn’t get it. When he built the Xuan Huang Linglong Tower of Heaven and Earth, he was refined into the immortal treasure body and made all kinds of vitality.
Chen Qi asked a few more words about the money, which made him feel at ease. Now he doesn’t have it. It’s just that the money is powerful and condensed. Even the money of the highest day series can be condensed at will. If a monk of the same level strikes with a force, the value of this kind of money is far from the former, but the latter is equal to the root of the magical power.
Chen Qi has now accumulated a wealth of mana, which is almost equal to 100,000 pieces of money. If Chen Qi has spent all these mana for almost several years, it will have recovered its vitality. However, if one kind of amulet is traded, he will never be able to motivate this mana in the future. It will take tens of thousands of years to practice the method of not plundering from scratch.
This is almost unbearable for other gas refining practitioners. After all, these powers are extremely difficult to cultivate, but Chen Qike tries to refine the same kind of symbols into one, and the efficiency is dozens of times higher than that of those big schools mentioned in the sky. It is said that those big schools of kings often need to extract hundreds of mana to condense a number of symbols at the same level. Chen Qizi thought that if two or three times of the forbidden symbols are condensed, three or five times can be condensed.
Seeing from the sky that Chen Qi was interested in leaving home and finding a good helper himself, he was glad that he said to Chen Qi, "I’m here to spit out the fire in order to find something to do business at the Wanbao Conference. Since Gu Hong Daoyou also has a mind, why don’t you go with me?"
Chen Qi didn’t ask what he was going to do when he left the sky, but he promised that the two of them would control the escape light and lead the way before Chen Qi followed him, and he was quite proud of his removal from the sky, but when he did his best, he couldn’t bring the luck to the other side. Chen Qi pulled this really.
From the sky, I took Chen Qi and bypassed the vomit fire nation. Several star fields went straight to vomit fire nation and the junction of the dead gods. It was a remote place to the extreme. All the stars in this star field were as dead as ink, and there was no half life. Even the main star was black, with a thick black air mass rolling back and forth, which was different from a highest atmosphere.
"This star has been defiled by foul air and has become a waste star. I don’t know why I want to come here from the sky?"
Chen Qi, however, knows the origin of these thick inks as black gas. When he was in the Seven Burn World, he encountered the flooding of the underground river and collected the filthy black lotus and the filthy black coffin. The Machine, these innate breeding implements, have also learned the dirty black light method, the general outline of the Brahma purgatory, and are no strangers to these filthy gases.
He knows that foul gas is the bane of all things. It’s no wonder that there is no living thing in the nearby stars. Chen Qi’s heart secretly feels, "If I can collect the foul gas from the stars, I can be refined into a magic weapon series. I don’t know what I want to do when I come to this star from heaven." I don’t fit … "
I don’t know the details of Chen Qi from the sky. I reached out and pointed to the star and said, "My master once taught me a Daoism called the Great Dirty Daoism, and once said that this Daoism is powerful and it is difficult to cultivate without dirty gas. I came here to collect dirty gas and make the Great Dirty Daoism into something in this star. I wonder if Brother Gu Hong can help you conveniently?"
Chen Qi frowned slightly and said, "Although my spell can resist these filthy gases, it will also consume a lot of energy …"
I don’t know if Chen Qi is pretending to shirk, so I try my best to distinguish that "Taoist friends don’t know that this star was originally of a history. Thousands of years ago, there was nothing to spit out here. The kingdom of fire nation’s dead gods also didn’t know where it was. Here is a magic kingdom with thousands of star fields. There are dozens of military leaders, and there is also a grand gentleman who sits in the throne. He is the master of the magic kingdom who has achieved the status of a great monarch. He cultivated to the extreme and wanted to break through the realm. He thought about a method and wanted to persuade the magic soldiers and dozens of military leaders. As a result, we rebelled together, and dozens of military leaders joined forces to be so powerful. However, the demon king who became a great monarch was also badly killed, and the result was more tragic than that of dozens of military lords. However, the army was also suppressed in this star field, and the main star could no longer get away. In addition to offering the stars, I also want to charge the great monarch’s magic bone to buy something at the Wanbao Conference. "
Chen Qi’s heart was slightly surprised and secretly felt that "pretty inferno or ancient inferno, and the body is made up of pretty fiend worms or The Machine worms. Where is the magic bone? Presumably, this great monarch is so skilled that he can turn a savage worm into a magic bone. I don’t know the value of this thing. "
Chen Qi moved his mind slightly and thought, "Do you want to rob the business of leaving the sky?" The white boy replied again, "But this star was the life-long mana of the dozens of fallen military leaders in those years, and the soul knowledge joined hands to seal the town. I have to be a teacher, and I can’t collect the magic bone of the Great King. Otherwise, I can’t leave this good thing for me. This magic bone is the most important thing for the inferno to break through from the military master series to the Great King series, which is simply valuable for the barbarians, but not for the Terran gas refining people. What’s the most equivalent to an ordinary magic weapon? I dare not ask Taoist friends to help me in vain. After I sealed the seal, dozens of fallen military leaders’ souls will fly away. I didn’t get anything, so I paid Taoist friends at the beginning. "
Chen Qi thought slightly, "It turned out that I was the root of Terran refining gas. It’s just trading goods with people even if it’s stolen. Then forget it. I have a kind of ofuda. It’s easy to rob him. This place is not very big."
Chen Qi smiled and said, "You can rest assured that I will try my best to help you break this star seal."
From the sky, I heard that Chen Qi promised that there was a lot of joy in my heart, so I dispersed my mana into a monster with a huge mouth, "gluttony". This monster opened its mouth and gave birth to all things. From that star, he immediately sucked out a foul breath. When he cracked the seal of this star, he was busy practicing the most afraid of being attacked by people, especially when the seal was broken and dozens of military leaders flew out, which was the most dangerous, so he invited Chen Qi to be the guardian.
Chen Qi put away all the laws and looks like an ordinary teenager. He has been secretly offering sacrifices to ten devil’s banners since he got the spiritual knowledge of fire nation’s four major military leaders. At this time, Chen Qi has been almost refined and moved. After sitting silently for several hours, he shook his body and a black demon’s banner flew up. He once offered sacrifices to one and was later refined into the physical body. This time, Chen Qi has many other insights.
The ten-headed devil’s banner is the ten-headed devil’s banner. This spell was not known before the inferno’s 100,000 magic columns Chen Qi. Some of the spells he had learned turned out to be rebuilt by the inferno. His heart secretly thought, "Come to me to manipulate the 10,000-headed pretty magic weapon soldiers, and gradually feel that there is no power as good as the most accepted population of the Monty Palace. I am too lazy to use the black lotus to sacrifice and refine my soul knowledge. I can directly send them to the Monty Palace to spend it, but I can put this 10,000-headed magic banner
Chapter five hundred and forty-nine Concise dirty black lotus
The ten-headed devil’s banner needs ten main demons, but the more creatures are manipulated, the better. Therefore, when Chen Qi sent ten thousand pretty magic weapons to the ten-headed devil’s banner, these memories were erased, and the pretty magic weapons immediately combined with this magic weapon and became a part of this magic weapon. Several magic thoughts rolled around this magic weapon and created a tragic scene of hell. Even if Chen Qi saw this magic weapon, he could not help but feel a little shocked.
The main achievement of the ten-headed devil’s banner is to seize people’s hearts and manipulate creatures, but what is more important for monks is that it can replace the spirit of the captured creatures to refine the devil’s head with the spirit of the gas refiner to divide my consciousness into poverty.
One thought can motivate a spell or a magic weapon. If you divide your thoughts, even if you make it into several means, you can use a method that can’t motivate thousands of kinds of Daoism, barbarian demons and ancient demons at the same time. There are probably millions of magic soldiers, and every magic soldier’s soul is waiting for an idea that my consciousness is divided, so you can motivate thousands of spells in an instant. It’s also a reason why Yuan Shen, a true fairy, often meets barbarian demons and ancient demons.
Chen Qi’s thoughts of consciousness division are too numerous, but the spells he has learned are too complicated, not to mention that the basic Taoist method in the Taiji diagram is used to calculate the world, the mysterious Huang Linglong Tower, the real body and the Taihua Dragon tactic. Several magic weapons have already evolved into extremely large numbers, which makes the thief head quite stretched. Now he has become a ten-headed devil, and Chen Qiyun has made the spell ability surge nearly twice as fast as the Taoist method.
The thief’s head slightly opened its eyes and saw that the stars were being extracted from the sky, so he couldn’t help offering these two magic weapons, the Yin and Yang Book and the dirty black lotus. Together with the ten-headed devil’s banner, he immediately formed a small battle. The Yin and Yang Book has several memories and kinds of symbols. The ten-headed devil’s banner can divide tens of thousands of earth thoughts, and the dirty black lotus can breathe the soul and concise the roots. The power of combining three magic weapons immediately chased Chen Qi’s first powerful magic weapon, the Monty Palace.
Chen Qi also knows the dirty black light method and the general outline of Brahma Purgatory. These spells are the first-class poisonous gas for other gas refiners. If you take a little repair, you will lose your vitality and be defiled. But for Chen Qi, there is no more true qi mana to overcome the Yin-Yang-Er-Qi and Xuan-Huang-Qi that he cultivated. Although these dirty gases are filthy, they will be refined and chaotic when they meet the congenital five-Tai. But this time, instead of refining them, he will take them to sacrifice and refine the dirty black lotus.
Chen Qi’s ten-headed devil took the dirty black lotus and the book of Yin and Yang into the banner, and then this magic weapon turned into a ball of black gas, in which several fierce demons thought about ups and downs and jumped on the star.


Yu Guihai doesn’t know what everyone thinks, and he’s not afraid of others knowing his strength. His strength is to shock and awe. In addition, he can make a name for himself. With such a strong strength, he can also provoke his family with blind people.
If his alchemy ability is promoted, many people will try to beg Dan. If he fails to achieve his goal, he will think a little crooked. If he is good at keeping others, he will go back and forth, but if he is against his family, he will never be able to stay at home all the time.
So his display of strength will shock many people, but anyone with a little sense should not provoke him to marry.
In fact, Yu Guihai’s thunder method is not so strong, but Yin Lei method.
Although this spell can increase its power with his strength, it is more powerful than the spell that is not very diverse in pregnancy.
He was able to destroy the magic weapon in the middle order with one blow because of superposition.
It seems like a flash, but in fact, he instantly cast out hundreds of flashes superimposed together, and his power instantly rose by a hundred times. Although he could not break through to the power of transforming gods, it was also equivalent to the peak of meta-pregnancy.
The outbreak of such a terrible power destroyed the magic weapon in the middle order with one blow.
This kind of earth-than-magic control is most suitable for alchemy, so that the eye can see that he really has a strong talent for alchemy
Yu Guihai defeated Sina without mercy. After subduing others, no one came out to challenge again.
There are four people sitting opposite each other in a quaint stone temple on the peak of Yunmiao Mountain.
Two of these four people are the bodhi old zu of Yunmiao Mountain and the bodhi old zu of Skyfire.
The other two people, one is a weirdo with a black robe and a green shell.
The other is an illusory figure, whose feet are a piece of golden money, which exudes wisps of golden light. It is the source of the illusory figure, but it looks like the ancestor of Fuhai in the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven.
The four of them were watching an ancient bronze mirror, and a scene appeared in it. It was the scene of the celebration that Yu Guihai defeated Sina with a move.
"Your brother is not simple."
Black weirdo said hazily after watching.
"Ha ha, yes, it’s really a hero. It seems that I’m really old when I’m so young." The illusory figure of money flicked his head vividly and laughed at Hu.
"Yu Guihai was born in a small town family in Dasheng. He was a dull practitioner since childhood. He couldn’t get started in basic martial arts for several years …
….. At the age of sixteen, after being seriously injured and dying, he suddenly became proficient in repair. From then on, he made rapid progress and broke through the family crisis. After half a year, he broke through the innate condition and passed the selection of his younger brothers …
….. When I got started, I was pregnant with the nine-story training in the gas refining period. In less than two years, martial arts reached the peak of Guiyuan, majoring in the unknown powerful martial arts, and the immortal training broke through to the first floor of Yuantai …
….. In The Hunger, the king of The Hunger and the true gentleman of Leng Yue were killed first, and the blood-god grass associated with the heart of the king of The Hunger was refined into the The Machine fetal Dan, which successfully broke through the first layer of the fetal period … "
"After ten thousand ants in the valley of murders tried to cut insects, the Shintoism claimed to be the first person to turn God into a great elder, Zagu, and its strength was definitely stronger than that of others."
Ember bodhi old zu smile and then leave a passage.
If Yu Guihai were here, he would be shocked, because the bodhi old zu said it was his life story, which was more detailed than he knew himself
"Is this my brother’s story?" Ember bodhi old zu looked at two people shocked and inexplicable expression and asked jokingly.
"This is impossible?"
Black weirdo exclaimed.
This kind of thing is really can’t believe how heaven and earth can have such a perverted cultivation genius!
"Is this serious?"
Fuhai bodhi old zu virtual shadow face dignified color.
"Nature is my true brother, and now he is only nineteen years old." Ember bodhi old zu said lightly.
"Maybe this person will be …" The bodhi old zu Fuhai pondered for a while and suddenly looked at the bodhi old zu without saying that.
"You mean" the black-robed weirdo’s face changed, but he stopped talking halfway, which seemed to be taboo!
"Do you think this talent will be possessed by ordinary people?"
Ember bodhi old zu lightly asked 1, and then showed a trace of disappointment and said, "This immortal method is inherited from the road home. It is a thousand years ago. My brother is a long way."
"Ha ha, then nine times out of ten, hey hey," the black weirdo grinned a few times and seemed to want to say something, but he stopped with great fear after all.
"There is no need to say more about things in those days, and it is beyond our discussion. If this identity is really … then it is our opportunity." Fuhai bodhi old zu said somberly.
"The opportunity is good, but are you sure you can master this person? See his strength to break through the god is not I can control "black weirdo sneer at a way.
"Then we won’t let him break through the deification?" Skyfire bodhi old zu socket way
"Are you sure there is no magic method in Lujiacheng? Doesn’t he have magical powers in martial arts? " Black weirdo asks.
"This can be sure that he can’t have the immortal method in the avatar achievement method. Hehe, you should know that the avatar achievement method is strong now, but it is impossible to go against the road." Skyfire bodhi old zu light way
"That’s a good thing. To prevent big sleep, it’s better to imprison it directly."
Black weirdo nodded and showed a cruel way
"Don’t startle him. His strength is still too poor. It doesn’t matter much to us. It won’t help until he reaches the peak of meta-pregnancy." The bodhi old zu Fuhai spoke out to stop him.
"Then wait. The coast of the South China Sea is a time when the magic disaster officially breaks out and we are out of the shackles," said the bodhi old zu indifferently.
The other three people nodded gently.
Chapter 52 Ghost Ghost King, Refining Ghost Shuttle
After the celebration, Yu Guihai completed the tire pill transaction and gave an extra one to the patriarch Zhan Feiyun.
He returned to Lian Yin Feng and stayed at home.
Yu Guihai, the abode of fairies and immortals, sits on the terrain interface. The Hexagonal Golden Body Immortal Longevity Sutra has been integrated, but the achievement method still cannot be upgraded after integration.
When he tries to practice, he can also feel a huge pressure gap. From the surrounding, it seems that the whole world is squeezing and repelling him.
And this achievement method can’t support him to break the shackles.
However, Yu Guihai felt that his previous speculation was correct, and he would continue to enhance his skill level and one day be able to break the shackles of the world and break through the magical realm.
When he stopped running, the pressure and estrangement around him slowly disappeared, and he seemed to be integrated into the world again.
"Then continue to merge."
He also has a skill that can be integrated with the dragon gods, but it will take a long time when necessary. It will take half a year for deduction and integration.
In fact, it’s really too short at this time. It’s not enough for others to understand this method for half a year. He is used to adding some upgrades quickly and is a little uncomfortable for waiting.

"How can you be so sure?" King Kong Gun was puzzled to answer me so simply.

"Ram Green Frost previously charged him six hundred million dollars and found five ancient tombs. When I learned that Ziyang View had been bought by us, I returned the last hundred million dollars to him, and Lin Yicheng would definitely not stop there. Naturally, I will find another middleman who can restrain the corpse and take a cup of hot water."
"You’re confusing me again. It seems that you can’t say that inviting Lao Li is Lin Yicheng?" King Kong Gun raised my hand and used the mountain-moving tactic to steal the water cup in my hand.
"Lin Yicheng’s department is relatively advanced and rushed to the ancient tomb in Handan. I noticed this. The people who took it in the tomb were old-fashioned semi-automatic and according to Zhang Lianchang’s account, there was no woman in the group. Lin Yicheng was the boss behind the scenes, but Mei Zhu was the concrete implementer. Every time I entered the ancient tomb, I realized that the people in the tomb were another group and the people waiting outside were Lin Yicheng." I took a glass of water again and went back to the bed.
"Who is the other group?" King Kong cannon threw a cigarette.
"I don’t know who is behind the scenes, but those ancient tomb people are half-hanged idiots." I took out my lighter and lit a cigarette.
"What do you mean?" King Kong cannon was stunned by me.
"There should be Daoism among the dozen people wearing camouflage, otherwise they dare not go to the ancient tomb and can’t kill three sentinels silently, but monks can usually see things at night. They wear night vision goggles and say that their repair is not high. Besides, after they came, they didn’t find that Zhang Lianchang didn’t die and didn’t notice that Lin Yicheng was hidden not far away. The gang should be a group of semi-cranes, but this group of people can kill people even though they can’t do magic everywhere. It seems that casting spells and taking people’s lives will damage their longevity, but these people don’t know that killing is killing them. I made a detailed analysis of King Kong’s gun.
"The more the grass says, the more confused I get to sleep." King Kong Bao said that he slept but grabbed the remote control. "Let’s get things done here and go to Kunlun Mountain quickly."
"Don’t worry about going to Kunlun Mountain, I want to meet this Lin Yicheng." I’m a little curious about Lin Yicheng. In fact, the most curious thing is that he searched for these Gu Jian eyes and hired ram green cream. It took five billion Lin Yicheng, but the businessman’s investment was profitable. What is the ultimate goal of his investment? Did he tell me about the Qin Mausoleum before?
"Fine, let’s go to Beijing to eat roast duck." King Kong cannon first remembered that it was roast duck.
"Hum, we want to see him and go straight to the National Security Bureau to let him come over!" I’m full of confidence at this time. He gave me money, but I didn’t accept stealing and selling gold bricks. I can also bite the bullet and deny it.
"Yes, let him bring Lao Li with him." King Kong Bao nodded and agreed to our method.
"Don’t let Lao Li be premature." I shook my head and said, "Lao Li is half of our own. Let’s pretend we don’t know. Leave some noodles for him first and I’ll talk to him when he gets back."
"What do you want to talk to him about?" King Kong cannon searched for it, but I didn’t find it. I liked watching the program and pressed the remote control to watch it.
"I want to ask him what he was going to dig the tomb and whose tomb he dug …"
Chapter 215 The key to the tomb
The next morning, I went to the previous gap and found no other valuable clues to think of the ancient tomb. As a result, the stench from the gap made me give up the idea
"In the section chief, let’s go back to eat breakfast first." Colonel Jiang saw that King Kong cannon and I had finished the investigation and waved that Zhang Lianchang had been discharged from the hospital and led the department to plug the gap.
I nodded in agreement that I didn’t eat well last night and now I’m really a little hungry.
"The dead soldiers of Colonel Jiang should be cremated early," I said smoothly when the car arrived at the recreation room.
"I’m going to report what happened here to the military region today to see if I can ratify their martyrs." Colonel Jiang looked sad, "but generally it counts."
"It’s natural for them to die while performing their duties." I frowned and said that although these sentries could not stop things from happening, they tried after all.
"The cause of death will definitely not be recognized by the military region." Colonel Jiang shook his head and sighed.
"Well, you can draft a report and write what happened here truthfully. I’ll sign a certificate for you." I said seriously that the National Security Bureau certificate still has a lot.
"Thank you to the section chief. Thank you very much …" Colonel Jiang gave me a thousand thanks. He thanked me for many reasons. If he couldn’t produce enough evidence to prove that he was attacked by the enemy, three of them belonged to him, and the head of the delegation also worked.
After breakfast, King Kong Gun and I left the guest house and went to the migrant workers’ dormitory. We found that the original tube building was uninhabited. According to the breath, we found that their family now lives in an officer’s dormitory. It’s quite serious that Colonel Jiang told me earlier.
The couple naturally knew me and King Kong Bao, and when they saw our arrival, they hurriedly invited us into the house.
During the day, it rained just after the full moon, but the limbs were fat and healthy, but the breath of the limbs was obviously incomplete. Although I can’t see anything now, I can obviously find that the child can’t move his limbs when he is a little older.
The young couple are very welcome to our arrival, but Kong Bao and I are a little weak. After all, the disability of this child is directly related to Kong Bao and me.
After a brief greeting, I told you what I wanted to do and what I wanted to do during the daytime rain. The couple disagreed at the same time, because the child was born with an abnormal fetal position and the mother was probably unable to have the only child after caesarean section, so naturally he could not be allowed to be a Taoist priest.
It wasn’t until I told them that the Taoist priest Ziyang could get married that they changed their attitude and agreed to come. In their eyes, King Kong Gun and I are no different from immortals. It doesn’t affect their children to have such a teacher. They are naturally happy to continue the incense in the White House.
"Remember that a child is born without taking him to the doctor when he can’t move his limbs." I stopped when I walked to the door. "I will come and take him away when I am six or seven years old."
Children’s parents repeatedly promised to go out of the house and sent us upstairs.
Back to the hostel, Colonel Jiang has been waiting for a long time.
"Did you write this report?" I put out my cigarette and looked at Colonel Jiang. I almost didn’t laugh after reading this report. In the report, I said that those tomb raiders made witchcraft destroy the world cultural heritage. I emphasized that my soldiers were brave enough to fight, and even the battle scenes were nonsense. The whole report didn’t look like reporting to the level, but rather like asking for credit.
"Yes, do you think so?" Colonel Jiang handed the pen document and left two signature places on it.
"Yes, you can make a copy for me." I took the pen, signed my name and number, and handed it to the head of King Kong Cannon Jiang of cutting. The report also described the details of my work after the arrival of King Kong Cannon, and it was clever and tactfully flattering. This report was directly sent to the headquarters, which saved me from reporting to the headquarters again.
"Jiang Tuanchang, you can go to the local level to be a cadre!" King Kong cannon laughed after reading it, and signed it. dung beetles climbed the ink and handed it back to Colonel Jiang.
"Thank you, Director Yu and Deputy Chief Niu." Colonel Jiang carefully took the files in the gunner’s hand.
"Colonel Jiang, we have something to delay here for a few days. I don’t know if it’s convenient." I rushed to Colonel Jiang and said that I didn’t leave the army because I wanted to meet Lin Yicheng from here to give him a psychological pressure.
"That’s great. The section chief sometimes talks a lot to guide our work." Colonel Jiang promised to welcome us. The so-called guidance worker is sheer nonsense.
Lin Yicheng was not hard to find, but he was still surprised when he received my words. I didn’t say a few words, so he asked where I was and offered to visit me, which made me prepare for a bureaucratic ceremony and failed to send a show.
At noon the next day, Lin Yicheng arrived at Meizhu.